Fulfillment with hygienic requirements
MERA Tiernahrung GmbH relies on RHIEM’s experience in e-commerce: the Voerde-based fulfillment service provider is now taking care of the storage and shipping of the new Meravital.de product line. A great deal of hygiene is required.

Lugging twelve kilo bags of food home? This is much more convenient with the help of online shippers. This is why the RHIEM Group from Voerde has just taken over fulfillment for Meravital on behalf of the pet food manufacturer MERA.

Here pet owners can find medical diet food and sustainably produced food for dogs and cats. “We sometimes order several twelve-kilo bags to keep in stock,” confirms Toni Föllmer, e-commerce manager at MERA.

“With RHIEM, we are able to reliably supply vets and end customers with the food their animals need via e-commerce.”

According to the industry association bevh, online sales of pet supplies now total around 850 million euros per year. The online share of the segment is growing rapidly. As with food, the storage and transportation of animal feed is subject to special hygiene requirements: “Our storage and shipping processes are certified in accordance with the IFS Logistics Standard. As an e-commerce partner of cosmetics and food supplement manufacturers, we have a lot of experience in dealing with high hygiene standards. We apply the same standards to the fulfillment of pet supplies,” explains Dr. Stefan Rhiem, Managing Director of the e-commerce and fulfillment service provider from Voerde.

Cooperation with veterinarians

For more than 65 years, MERA has made a name for itself for sustainable cat and dog food of premium quality. The manufacturer from Kevelaer uses almost exclusively ingredients from Germany and also offers a wide range of diet feed to protect and maintain animal health. The company works closely with veterinarians to distribute Meravital. They recommend Mera’s diet food for gastrointestinal disorders, kidney disease, joint, skin and coat problems and obesity.

RHIEM supplies veterinary practices with smaller pack sizes for the initial treatment of their patients. Pet owners can then reorder the larger containers for their four-legged friends online. Then the parcel carrier delivers directly and free of charge. The individual products at Meravital.de are clearly presented and easy to understand. Information on the individual types of food and an integrated blog also explain how pet owners can feed dogs and cats a healthy diet and challenge and encourage them physically and mentally through exercise and games.

Christopher Evers
Ihr persönlicher Ansprechpartner:
Christopher Evers

Bei der RHIEM Services verfügen wir über hoch skalierbare Fulfillment-Prozesse mit denen Sie als Händler international, leistungsstark und zuverlässig auftreten werden. Durch unsere IFS Zertifizierung bieten wir höchste Hygienestandards und eine lückenlose Chargenrückverfolgung, sowohl bei B2C als auch bei B2B Sendungen. Fordern Sie uns heraus und kontaktieren Sie mich gerne telefonisch unter +49 2855/9700-742 oder per e-mail: christopher.evers@rhiem.com für einen ersten Austausch.