Fulfillment for discerning customers

The fitness studio for the home: RHIEM cooperates with etone Motion Analysis GmbH. Under the VAHA brand, the company markets an interactive mirror that consumers can use to put together their own individual fitness program. An example of offers for the so-called LOHAS, people who maintain a healthy, sustainable lifestyle and do not want to do without consumption.

Mirror, mirror for the wall – VAHA is the name of the smart mirror that consumers can use to bring the gym and even their training group into their homes. The smart design product uses sensors to record your pulse and heart rate as well as data on your training experience and fitness level.

Individual training plans are then created from this. The elegant screens also broadcast various fitness classes, online yoga sessions and exercises from personal trainers via Wi-Fi and the internet. This means that explanations, corrections and motivation can be given immediately during training.

The smart fitness mirrors are developed and sold by Berlin-based start-up etone Motion Analysis GmbH, while RHIEM assembles and supplies starter kits and accessories such as heart rate monitors, fitness bands, cleaning products and manuals. “In Punjabi, the largest language in Pakistan, Vahā’a stands for “flow”, the feeling of happiness that makes us forget the world when we concentrate fully on ourselves and our actions. Users should be able to enjoy this flow during their workouts in front of our VAHA,” explains Hagen Meier, Head of Operational Excellence at etone Motion Analysis GmbH. “With RHIEM, we have found a fulfilment service provider with whom we can not only achieve our planned growth, but also internationalize our business throughout Europe and the UK.”

Flexible resources and a network for growth

With every fitness mirror delivered, the customer also receives a VAHA starter kit. RHIEM is responsible for organizing the incoming goods of the individual components, assembling the individual components and shipping the starter kits. The company is not only active for etone Motion Analysis GmbH in German-speaking countries, but also serves other European countries efficiently and quickly from its location in Voerde near Düsseldorf.

A partner network in the UK even simplifies and speeds up delivery on the island after Brexit and saves the Berlin startup and its customers high shipping costs and bureaucratic effort. “As a specialist fulfillment service provider for e-commerce retailers, we have the structures and resources in place to be able to react immediately to growth spurts and short-term order peaks,” says Dr. Peter Lorenzi, Managing Director of RHIEM. “We are therefore very happy to work with start-ups and growth companies from the SME sector because they value our expertise and networks enormously and also want to develop new services and offerings with us.”

Fitness, health and sustainability

The VAHA mirrors from etone Motion Analysis GmbH are an offer that is primarily aimed at LOHAS. These are people who keep fit, do a lot for their health and also pay attention to sustainable consumption. They are discerning when shopping and prefer durable, high-quality products. “Discerning customers and consumers also demand sophisticated services,” observes Lorenzi. “At RHIEM, we meet these wishes with recycled packaging materials, for example. We also recommend that companies with a focus on LOHAS address their customers individually in their parcels, using a personalized card or a deliberate selection of inserts.” Haptic surprises in the packaging also ensure a wow effect. The fulfillment service provider has certified, environmentally friendly cardboard packaging available for this purpose and offers CO2-neutral shipping if required. Positive surprises are very well received by LOHAS and increase loyalty to retailers.

Christopher Evers
Ihr persönlicher Ansprechpartner:
Christopher Evers

Bei der RHIEM Services verfügen wir über hoch skalierbare Fulfillment-Prozesse mit denen Sie als Händler international, leistungsstark und zuverlässig auftreten werden. Durch unsere IFS Zertifizierung bieten wir höchste Hygienestandards und eine lückenlose Chargenrückverfolgung, sowohl bei B2C als auch bei B2B Sendungen. Fordern Sie uns heraus und kontaktieren Sie mich gerne telefonisch unter +49 2855/9700-742 oder per e-mail: christopher.evers@rhiem.com für einen ersten Austausch.