Das Bild zeigt einen dicht bewachsenen Wald, aus welchem man von der Bodenperspektive aus direkt nach oben schaut

Similarities between the two systems

Both labels stand for non-profit, independent institutions that stand for an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable timber industry. Every trader and processor of such wood and the wood products made from it must be certified for the production and supply chain to ensure complete traceability.

Important differences between FSC and PEFC

Various missions

FSC® stands for the traceability and considerate handling of the available raw material wood, which comes from an exemplary managed forest – in which controlled, certified and resource-conserving cultivation takes place.

While PEFC stands for considerate forest management, FSC® also guarantees evaluation and auditing in accordance with internationally agreed environmental, social and economic standards.

Different interest groups

At the FSC, the criteria for certification are decided by three equal chambers (nature conservation organizations, social and economic interest groups).

By contrast, PEFC says that it attaches particular importance to safeguarding the interests of forest owners.

Different elaboration of the standards

The FSC standard is much more specific, particularly with regard to individual ecological criteria. Chemical pesticides are only permitted in FSC-certified forests by order of the authorities, while in PEFC-certified forests they should be limited “to the extent necessary”.

Another difference is the prescribed distance between the paths on which harvesting machines are allowed to drive through the forest(logging roads). In PEFC-certified forests, these must be at least 20 meters apart; in FSC-certified forests, they may not cover more than 13.5% of the forest area and at fixed distances.

Various auditing approaches

PEFC attaches great importance to simple and inexpensive certification procedures. Whereas with FSC every forestry operation (i.e. every forest owner or forestry operation association) is inspected once a year, PEFC offers the possibility of certifying large areas – especially within the framework of the regional certification process – and thereby greatly simplifying the certification process for the individual owner. Among other things, only at least 10% of the area is inspected each year. This reduced effort also leads to lower costs.

FAQ about FSC & PEFC products – What our customers regularly ask us:

Perhaps you are familiar with this: you hear or read something, but cannot mentally establish the entire context.

That’s not a bad thing – as far as our vocabulary and knowledge of our products is concerned, we are happy to help you with the content and list below the questions that our customers and interested parties ask us again and again in everyday life.

How can consumers recognize FSC & PEFC products?

This becomes visible to the consumer when the respective logo is printed on the cardboard sleeve. The logo refers to the part of the finished product that comes from forestry.

There are different FSC logos. What is the difference?

  • FSC 100% stands for products whose wood comes entirely from FSC-certified forests. This quality applies primarily to solid wood products such as furniture.
  • FSC Recycled recognizes packaging made exclusively from recycled materials.
  • FSC Mix stands for products in which materials from FSC-certified forests, recycled material and material from controlled sources (Controlled Wood) can be used.

Can I get certified packaging anywhere?

No, the processor must be certified and is regularly audited to ensure documented traceability in the closed supply chain.

Can I get all packaging materials in both qualities without restriction?

RHIEM’s packaging production is certified for both systems and can provide appropriate support in the selection of materials, as not all material qualities of the same quality are available in FSC or PEFC.

Ulrich Treiber
Ihr persönlicher Ansprechpartner:
Ulrich Treiber

RHIEM ist Ihr Spezialist für die Entwicklung und Produktion maßgeschneiderter Verpackungslösungen für verschiedene Branchen. Mit unserer eigenen Verpackungsentwicklung und modernen Fertigungstechnologien schaffen wir faszinierende Konstruktionen, die am Point of Sale überzeugen. Wenn Sie eine innovative und nachhaltige Verpackungslösung benötigen, sind wir die richtige Wahl. Ich freue mich auf Ihre Herausforderung! Kontaktieren Sie mich unverbindlich unter +49 2855 9700-882 oder per E-Mail an ulrich.treiber@rhiem.com.