You read that right: we compare the first contact of a new prospect with a sparkling first date. This one evening on which everyone involved is at the mercy of their emotions and – when things are going “well” – can or will hardly act or think objectively.
This comparison makes sense in many details, because the first contact of a user with your products or solutions has a lot in common with this sparkling evening: Both parties do not know each other, but have quite clear ideas about the characteristics of the other. Both want something concrete and actively engage with each other – at least as long as both still find each other “attractive”.
We are certainly not the right contact for specific assistance on the first date. But we are at home in eCommerce in all its facets. We can provide you with concrete, tried-and-tested communication concepts that will make you “irresistible”, “enchantingly attractive” and “naturally romantic” for your customers.
How you appear “magically attractive” to customers
To appeal to customers, your products or services must match their needs. If the demand is more emotional (e.g. for a high-quality type of coffee), it is better to avoid factual descriptions and arguments. Images of happy people consuming your product are more likely to be associated with a need by the target group than a cropped image of a single coffee bean.
So if you want your customer to “fall in love” with you, ask yourself the following questions:
- 1. how do I give my services / products the necessary magic to stand out and always appear interesting in the face of constantly growing competition?
- 2. how do I manage to give my article descriptions a certain uniqueness without having to reinvent the wheel? How can I rewrite a sheet of paper in such a way that it is seen as a medium for masterpieces and evergreens instead of an ordinary and dispensable office utensil?
- 3. how can I get my customer to stay with me for longer than just “overnight”? Where is the need after the need? How can I keep my customers happy for many years to come?
Quite simply, they have to resonate with each other.

Resonance – finding the right mood
Resonance is a phenomenon that is described in many areas of physics, electronics, mechanics, music and human communication. Resonance occurs when a system vibrates in such a way that its frequencies resemble another system, causing it to vibrate. You know the principle of talented opera singers who can create the exact vibration that shatters wine glasses using only the power of their voice. In this destructive moment, both (singer and glass) are in “resonance” with each other.
In human communication, resonance refers to a form of interaction in which a person relates to another person (or in our case, an object and its descriptions) by mirroring their experiences, emotions or opinions. It’s about the ability to empathize: those who decipher the target customer’s needs precisely and respond to them in a targeted manner with words, images, videos, etc. will “resonate” with the customer.
This technical description is basically nothing more than the statement that only then will your advertising messages “reach” the other person. Their vibrations have the same “frequency” as those of the customer.
How to get in touch with customers?
The theory sounds banal and simple. If you set out a few minutes ago and are now sitting in front of the white sheet of paper mentioned above to create “vibration”, you may realize that the practice is not so easy to implement. How can resonance points be found?
This can only be achieved by “listening”. Anyone who has contact with customers will be able to name resonance points, and product reviews are also a veritable treasure trove of resonance points. It is important to know that every wine glass has a different frequency. So every customer reacts to a different frequency, to a different message, because every customer has slightly different needs.
Emotions are a catalyst for a long-term relationship
Once the first date is over and both parties are looking for a relationship, there are all kinds of emotions involved. These emotions suppress objective perceptions and make us think and act more impulse-driven in the long term.
Emotions are similarly important in eCommerce: when we humans can make decisions with our emotions, our subconscious is “in control”. These decisions are easy for us and leave us with a good feeling. In contrast, conscious decisions are complex and require a lot of initial information that must be evaluated and analyzed in relation to each other. This takes time and is exhausting – emotion-driven purchasing decisions leave us feeling happy about the simplicity of the decision and the fact that the need has been satisfied.
So if you want your customers to experience these feelings of happiness when they buy your products, then try to make an emotional case for buying them. This is also the reason why a picture of happy people at a coffee table usually “works” better emotionally than the cropped picture of the coffee bean!

The secret to a good relationship: listen, listen, listen
The first date is reflected on in the company of good friends. Positive impressions need to be reinforced and negative details analyzed.
Customers do the same – only the circle of people with whom these experiences are shared is much larger and more anonymous. A bad experience is usually discussed much more often in public forums or review portals than a positive one.
Here again, you have the chance to listen – the more points of resonance you know from your target group, the more often you will hit the right frequency and resonate with your target customers.
It makes sense, because it is easier to control, if you ask your customers about their experiences in your own infrastructure. In this way, you can prevent some of the “negative vibrations” from finding their way into the public domain.
As you can see, there are clear similarities between dating and online shopping due to psychological processes. The aim is to find a common level of communication and to stick in the memory of your counterpart with your uniqueness.
However, there is one small, decisive advantage for you as a store owner when shopping online: you can rely on the expertise of external consulting and marketing agencies and thus rule out potential sources of error and “pitfalls” from the outset.
So – when do we want to talk on the phone?