3 Personen sitzen um einen Konferenztisch herum. Dabei handelt es sich um ein Kundengespräch, bei welchem der Kunde zu seinen Vorteilen beraten wird.

Customer service in a fulfillment logistics company plays a crucial role in customer satisfaction and maintaining a successful business relationship. The field of customer care encompasses a wide range of tasks and responsibilities

In the following, we would like to present the TOP 3 points of customer service at RHIEM.

Point 1: Order control

All inquiries regarding current orders are processed by the customer service department. This includes both the pick & pack process and communication with various shipping and forwarding service providers. In order to be able to implement special customer requests, the customer service department has extensive process knowledge and is in constant contact with the shipping department. In the event of challenges in the shipping process, Customer Care contacts the relevant service provider and ensures that the problem is resolved quickly.

The decisive factor here is that in B2C shipping, the majority of parcels automatically pass through the fulfillment processes. This means that no major manual effort is required, either on the part of customer service or on your part. B2C orders can be tracked and managed transparently in the customer portal, further information on the customer portal can be found here.

In the B2B process, we have to take a much more individualized approach. For example, an Amazon FBA delivery must be provided with a special label. Deliveries must be notified. customs documents are generated, individual packaging guidelines are followed. All these processes are coordinated and managed by the customer service department together with the customer. So that you can focus on your core tasks.

A woman takes a cardboard box from a shelf

Point 2: Incoming goods

Before goods can be shipped, they must first be delivered and stored. This process is also part of the customer service department’s remit, as it monitors and supports the entire process from notification to the goods receipt report.

Customer Care handles the notification and forwards all relevant issues to the incoming goods team to ensure an optimal process. If special items need to be put away particularly quickly, it is the customer service team’s job to create prioritizations and complete the process quickly. After all, the goods should be ready for dispatch as quickly as possible.

Point 3: Customer contact

Finally comes the most important aspect of customer service – communication with the customer.

Customer service can be thought of as a bridge between logistics and the customer. All inquiries from day-to-day business are processed by the account managers and communicated internally. The aim is always to process customers’ questions and requests quickly and to keep customers constantly informed about the current status.

A truck is loaded with goods at the RHIEM Services loading ramp

We will be happy to advise you without obligation!

However, these are just a few tasks in the wide range of responsibilities of a customer advisor, we will be happy to give you further personal insights.

Are you interested in customer support that is precisely tailored to your processes? Contact us now!

Christopher Evers
Ihr persönlicher Ansprechpartner:
Christopher Evers

Bei der RHIEM Services verfügen wir über hoch skalierbare Fulfillment-Prozesse mit denen Sie als Händler international, leistungsstark und zuverlässig auftreten werden. Durch unsere IFS Zertifizierung bieten wir höchste Hygienestandards und eine lückenlose Chargenrückverfolgung, sowohl bei B2C als auch bei B2B Sendungen. Fordern Sie uns heraus und kontaktieren Sie mich gerne telefonisch unter +49 2855/9700-742 oder per e-mail: christopher.evers@rhiem.com für einen ersten Austausch.